
tlambrecht-bioThe Rev. Thomas A. Lambrecht
Tom Lambrecht is the Vice President and General Manager of Good News. He has served as an ordained United Methodist elder in Wisconsin since 1982, after a brief career as a music teacher. A gradate of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Tom served various sized congregations and fulfilled leadership roles on many different councils, boards, committees, and task forces within the Wisconsin Annual Conference.

Since 1992, Tom has worked with Good News as a part of their legislative team at five General Conferences and as a member of the board.  Tom served as the chair of the Good News board for four years, and is currently coordinator for the Renewal and Reform Coalition General Conference effort.  He left pastoral ministry in 2011 to serve full-time with Good News as Vice-President and General Manager.  Tom has been instrumental in the cause of evangelical renewal within the Wisconsin Conference since 1983, helping to establish the Wisconsin Association of Confessing United Methodists (WACUM) in 1996 and serving as its first president.

One thought on “Bio

  1. Dear Pastor Lambrecht,

    I just finished watching your YouTube Video on Why are Traditionalists leaving the UMC. Well done. I am grateful to God for giving you a voice in the UMC and pray He would continue to bless your efforts.

    All the best,
    Jay Foley

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